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Error Handling

JavaScript is a flexible interpreted language, which means it's possible (and even easy) to encounter errors at runtime. Whether the result of an unexpected scenario or a mistake in code we've written, it's important to be able to monitor errors and implement some form of recovery or graceful error handling.

In Preact, the way we do this is to capture errors and save them as state. This lets a component intercept an unexpected or broken render and switch to rendering something different as a fallback.

Turning errors into state

Two APIs are available for capturing errors and turning them into state: componentDidCatch and getDerivedStateFromError. They're functionally similar, and both are methods you can implement on a class component:

componentDidCatch gets passed an Error argument, and can decide what to do in response to that Error on a case-by-case basis. It can call this.setState() to render a fallback or alternative tree, which will "catch" the error and mark it as handled. Or, the method could simply log the error somewhere and allow it to continue unhandled (to crash).

getDerivedStateFromError is a static method that gets passed an Error, and returns a state update object, which is applied to the component via setState(). Since this method always produces a state change that results in its component being re-rendered, it always marks errors as handled.

The following example shows how to use either method to capture errors and show a graceful error message instead of crashing:

import { Component } from 'preact'

class ErrorBoundary extends Component {
  state = { error: null }

  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return { error: error.message }

  componentDidCatch(error) {
    this.setState({ error: error.message })

  render() {
    if (this.state.error) {
      return <p>Oh no! We ran into an error: {this.state.error}</p>
    return this.props.children

The component above is a relatively common example of how error handling is implemented in Preact applications, often referred to as an Error Boundary.

Nesting and error bubbling

Errors encountered when Preact is rendering your Virtual DOM tree "bubble up", much like DOM events. Starting from the component that encountered the error, each parent component in the tree is given an opportunity to handle the error.

As a result, Error Boundaries can be nested if implemented using componentDidCatch. When a component's componentDidCatch() method doesn't call setState(), the error will continue to bubble up the Virtual DOM tree until it reaches an component with a componentDidCatch method that does call setState().

Try it!

To test our error handling knowledge, let's add error handling to a simple App component. One of the components deep within App can throw an error in some scenario, and we want to catch this so we can show a friendly message telling the user that we've run into an unexpected error.
